CURE: Cure Time @ 75°F (24°C): 15-18 minutes to 75% of ultimate strength; 24 hours to full cure.
Working Time at 75°F (24°C): 4-6 minutes.
STORAGE: Store CB420-10E between 55°F (13°C) and 75°F (24°C) in a dry place when not in use. Refrigerated storage is recommended for maximum shelf life. DO NOT FREEZE.
SHELF LIFE: CB420-10E has a minimum shelf life of 9 months when stored in the original package between 55°F (13°C) and 75°F (24°C). Long term exposure to temperatures above 75°F (24°C) will reduce the shelf life. Temperatures abovce 100°F (56°C) quickly diminish CB420-10E adhesive reactivity and should be avoided. Shelf life may be extended by refrigeration 45°F-55°F (7°C-13°C).
FEATURES: ABS Type Approved Product
This dual-pack syringe design is ready-to-use with 10ml of pre-measured CB420 acrylic adhesive and is recommended for rapid installation of Click Bond adhesive-bonded fasteners. CB420-10E Acrylic Adhesive Dual-Pack Syringe is a two-part thixotropic paste adhesive capable of bonding a wide variety of metals, engineering thermoplastics, and composites. CB420-10E cures quickly at room temperature and exhibits excellent environmental and chemical resistance. CB420-10E adhesive replaces welding, riveting, and other mechanical fastening methods.
CB420-10E is the REACH compliant version of CB420 developed for the European market.
Installing large quantities? Checkout our 35ml cartridge - CB420-50E
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